Content may have shape-shifted during flight.
In Ottawa, when I arrived, I was not given my luggage right away. Nope, they first claim that they "never heard of me". Hmm, strange, they called saying it was in Ottawa, but never mind, I have the paperwork and my lost luggage claim so lets try anyhow. "Ok, right, here you are, lets go take a tour of the lost luggage facility at the airport and see if you can spot yours" (not so optimal as there is a fair amount of luggage sitting at the airport). Nope, not there. So, the baggage services guy goes through to the customs area to check if it was there as I was returning from the US. This was actually very nice of him so I'm not really complaining as he could have just punted on me and said "we'll call if it turns up". While he was off searching the international baggage area, I spotted a bunch of bags cached away in his office. I snuck in, feeling very guilty since it was an airport and they seem to take this security stuff pretty seriously but there was my bag so my trespass was worth it.
I was only a little apprehensive opening the bag but it was all ok, my runners and my shirts were all there, no sign of the ladies stuff. No content shape-shifting occurred this time.
Lessons learned.
- don't check your luggage (I knew this already, I was just testing)
- your true friends will offer to loan you clothing
- as a true friend you will decline and buy new stuff
- your non-friends will mock your stupidity for checking luggage and then offer pretend sympathy - do not be fooled, plan revenge instead
- contents may shape-shift into embarrassing items during flight (airline dependent) - plan your explanations in advance - just in case.
- "destination" is relative. When they say "luggage has been delivered to "destination", they may mean "not delivered" or "eventual destination" which is sometimes known as home.
It's been a very long time since you've made me laugh...simply 'cause I haven't stood outside of your office on the 5th floor of Herzberg for a very, very long time (pushing 20 years).
In life's little random ways, I ended up at your blog tonight (gotta back track and figure out how that happened).
Thanks for the chuckle...glad you got your luggage. Hope this finds you well.
Tracey (Dodd) Ananmalay
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